Mutual Fund | Union Mutual Fund |
Scheme Name | Union Short Duration Fund |
Objective of Scheme | The Scheme is an actively managed Scheme with an investment
objective to provide reasonable returns and liquidity by investing in a
range of debt and money market instruments while maintaining the
balance of safety, liquidity and returns.
There is no assurance that the investment objective of the Scheme will
be achieved. |
Scheme Type | Open Ended |
Scheme Category | Debt Scheme - Short Duration Fund |
New Fund Launch Date | 15-Jan-2025 |
New Fund Earliest Closure Date | 28-Jan-2025 |
New Fund Offer Closure Date | 28-Jan-2025 |
Indicate Load Separately | Exit Load:
• 1% if units are redeemed or switched out on or before completion of
15 days from the date of allotment. Nil thereafter.
• Nil if redeemed or switched out after completion of 15 days from the
date of allotment of units. |
Offer Price (Rs.) | Rs. 10 |
Minimum Subscription Amount | Rs. 1000 |
For Further Details Please Visit Website | |