Select Scheme Name |
Mutual Fund |
Aditya Birla Sun Life Mutual Fund |
Scheme Name |
Aditya Birla Sun Life Dual Advantage Fund - Series I |
Objective of Scheme |
The primary investment objective of the scheme is to generate income by investing in a portfolio of fixed income securities maturing on or before the maturity of the scheme. The secondary objective is to generate capital appreciation by investing a portion of the scheme corpus in Equity and equity related instruments. |
Scheme Type |
Close Ended |
Scheme Category |
Income |
Launch Date |
09-Jun-2016 |
Indicate Load Separately |
Entry Load: Nil
Exit Load : Nil
Minimum Subscription Amount |
5000 |
Please Click here for Scheme Information Document |
For Further Details Please Access Website https://mutualfund.adityabirlacapital.com/ |