Select Scheme Name |
Mutual Fund |
Aditya Birla Sun Life Mutual Fund |
Scheme Name |
Aditya Birla Sun Life Financial Planning Fund - Conservative Plan |
Objective of Scheme |
The Scheme aims to generate returns by investing in mutual fund schemes selected in
accordance with the ING OptiMix Multi Manager Investment process, as per the riskreturn
profile of investors. Each of the 4 plans under the Scheme has a strategic asset
allocation which is based on satisfying the needs to a specific risk-return profile of
investors. |
Scheme Type |
Open Ended |
Scheme Category |
Other Scheme - FoF Domestic |
Launch Date |
19-Apr-2011 |
Indicate Load Separately |
Please Refer Offer Document for Details
Minimum Subscription Amount |
5000 |
For Further Details Please Access Website https://mutualfund.adityabirlacapital.com/ |