Select Scheme Name |
Mutual Fund |
Aditya Birla Sun Life Mutual Fund |
Scheme Name |
Aditya Birla Sun Life Global Excellence Equity Fund Of Fund |
Objective of Scheme |
The primary objective of the Scheme is to achieve
long-term capital growth by investing primarily in
units of Julius Baer Global Excellence Equity Fund.
The Scheme does not guarantee/indicate any
returns. There can be no assurance that the
schemes' objectives will be achieved. |
Scheme Type |
Open Ended |
Scheme Category |
Other Scheme - FoF Overseas |
Launch Date |
22-Nov-2007 |
Indicate Load Separately |
Please refer Offer Document for Details |
Minimum Subscription Amount |
5000 |
For Further Details Please Access Website https://mutualfund.adityabirlacapital.com/ |